EspañolUpdate: 12:07 p.m. EST
After giving a speech, Leopoldo López surrendered to police, who arrested him before the crowd.
12:25 pm Leopoldo Lopez se entregó a la justicia, será trasladado en tanqueta de la GNB (vía @Towelto) #18F
— El Universal (@ElUniversal) February 18, 2014
11:48 p.m. EST
Supporters gathered today to accompany opposition leader, Leopoldo López, to the Office of the Attorney General, as he requested in a video published on Sunday. At the conclusion of the march, López’s plan has been to surrender to authorities, after government accusations that he incited the violence that erupted last Wednesday — and he has just arrived to join his supporters in the opposition.
@leopoldolopez llega a Chacaito y se dirige a la concentración desde la estatua de Jose Marti
— Alejandro Hernández (@alepuro) February 18, 2014
Minutes after the video was distributed by López through social media, President Nicolás Maduro called for a congregation of ruling party supporters at the same rally point designated by López. The opposition changed route, but ultimately arrived at the same point. Last week, President Maduro also announced that anyone who wishes to march must first receive the required permit from the government.
Jorge Rodriguez, mayor of the city of Libertador — where the Attorney General Office is located — announced that “no such permission has been requested from the city of Libertador; therefore no march has been authorized tomorrow . . . We will not allow hatred to disrupt our city, nor will we allow any incitement of violence.”
Protestors have reportedly not been allowed to cross the police barricade to enter Libertador.
— Axel Capriles Méndez (@axelcapriles) February 18, 2014
En Plaza Brion Chacaito, cada vez mas llena! #18FLeopoldoTeAcompanoTrancandoMiCalle
— NotiOpositor (@PuebloOpositor) February 18, 2014