Spanish – The news of the burned churches in Chile spread across the world. But it is not something that has begun now, nor will it stop. This has been happening for years in Araucania and has spread to Santiago and Valparaiso since the “social explosion” that began in October 2019.
In the first month of the uprising, emblematic cultural heritage cathedrals and at least seven evangelical temples were burned down. The advocates of the “approval” of the change of the Constitution in Chile have shown that their “change of system” requires the destruction of all remnants linked to the history of the nation.
For them, destroying the Church as the moral basis of society is paramount. Above all, because the ideological foundation of the constitutional change is to give divine gifts to the state, from giver of life to messenger of manna from heaven.
Alerta, spoiler: el Nazareno Resucitó.
— Andrés E. // Mängiliath. (@Aegi86) October 19, 2020
The Communist Party of Chile and its associates have sown among young people the idea that the state has the power to not only govern morality but that it can and should govern and deliver even goods and services.
So much so that they intend to achieve their long-awaited “equality” through a constitution that guarantees “social rights.”
In the words of Henry Hazlitt: “Marxism is not only belligerently atheistic but seeks to destroy religion precisely because it believes it to be “the opium of the people” — i.e., because it supports a “bourgeois” morality that deprecates the systematic deceit, lying, treachery, lawlessness, confiscation, violence.”
“God is dead,” we read on the walls of the temples in the southern country, echoing the German philosopher Friederich Nietzsche.
What left-wing activists in Chile are unaware of is that Nietzsche’s phrase is not a celebration but a lament. They are the words of a wounded man, having lost his father, a man of faith. Nietzsche warned how, with God’s death, the coldest monster would emerge with greater power: the state. The French philosopher, Albert Camus, emphasized on the German’s words to point out how, while the state cannot give life, it takes on the divine power to take life by force.
This is how, in the 20th century, socialism swept away more than 100 million lives.
Desecration as a revolutionary act
It is fundamental for these movements to deny the concept of natural rights (not issued by the state and therefore, not subject to it), starting with the first: life. For extreme left activists, only state-issued rights exist.
They demand through the referendum that abortion be a right, the opposite of what is governed until the moment when life is protected from conception. Accordingly, they ratify the need to destroy the temples, where they preach that life is sacred, and therefore, must be protected.
By definition, desecration consists of damaging something that is considered sacred, especially when the desecrator knows the sacred value of what he desecrates.
Those who destroyed the two churches burned on Sunday October 18th, as part of the first anniversary of the uprising in Chile, demonstrated their knowledge of the value of the destroyed temples- especially considering that one of the churches was a place of worship for the forces of law and order: the Carabineros.
The left seeks to turn the cult of the state into religion
Amid the constant attacks against Christian symbols and temples, the Chilean left has shown how the establishment of a neo-pagan cult arises, where they seek to convert the state into a demi-god.
It has virtues and also sins. Using the term “woke,” young people of this generation claim to be awake. “Chile woke up” is the most common slogan since October 2019 when the young people started the uprising.
But the phenomenon is not limited to Chile, nor are the fires. In the U.S., the mission founded by San Junípero Serra, patron saint of California, was burned down, and his statue knocked down. Further, a driver entered a church with his car, destroying everything in his path. The iconic St. John’s Church in Washington, D.C., was also vandalized.
In economic terms, the left has always discouraged competition in favor of regulation. Through the destruction of churches, it shows how it must eliminate all competition also on the cultural and moral level in its struggle to establish an official religion: the worship of the state.