Nicolás Maduro recently appointed his son as supervisor of an investigation into unfinished Odebrecht projects in Venezuela.
After a year abroad, Nicolás Maduro Guerra, 26, recently returned to Venezuela. A few days later in Official Report No. 41802 he was appointed director general of Delegations and Presidential Instructions of the Vice Presidency of the Republic.
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According to renowned journalist Nelson Bocaranda, the president’s young son is going to be overseeing Odebrecht’s multimillion-dollar projects and investments in the country.
“Nicolito” as he is known, is licensed in Social Economy by the National Experimental Polytechnic University of the National Armed Forces and for years he was a flutist in Venezuelan orchestras.
Maduro Guerra will be supervising Odebrecht’s ten unfinished projects in the country and according to the head of state will by performing “national work.”
“Nicolás Ernesto will be presiding over meetings held in the office of the Director General of the Ministry of Transport, that is, where many acts of corruption with the Brazilian construction company were forged.”
At the same time Bocaranda informed that many of the Odbrecht invoices originated in Sao Paulo or New York City. These invoices, signed by President Hugo Chávez, came to the different ministers who were in charge of public works, transportation, electrical projects, or other contracting entities within the Brazilian company.
Venezuela was the country that received the most money in bribes from the Brazilian construction giant Odebrecht; but between 2006 and 2015, numerous projects have not been completed. Many remain unfinished.
According to a report by the US Department of Justice, the South American country received at least USD $98 million in bribes. Other nations have allegedly received payments of USD $788 million in bribes.