Spanish— The United States is going through amazing times. GETTR —acronym that spells Get Together— emerges as an anti-systemic social network. The first one, actually. A net that embodies a David in the face of the Goliath that is represented by the detrimental emporiums of the Big Tech which impose their woke culture along with a pro abortion, pro gender ideology, plus a pro black race supremacy, and their digital GULAGS of cancelation.
As it was long awaited by the authentic followers of the Make America Great Again movement —MAGA— all over the world, not only in the US, GETTR becomes a highly useful tool for freedom, which suits the right wing, conservatism, religious expression, patriotism, and the struggle against cancelation culture.
GETTR is a place to gather, to come together, a refugee from the onslaught of the degenerated left wing that is right now in the Government of the US.
History shows us that for an empire to fall down it is necessary that it starts to rot from the inside, and that poorness is, precisely, progressivism, the best card of The Communist Party of China (CPC) to weaken morality, social cohesion, religiosity, natural family, in the United States.
And that is the reason why MAGA is not just that anymore, but it has evolved to become “Save America”. To save America from the claws of socialist and progressive globalism, the fools that come in handy to the CPC —whose celebrating speech of 100 years was more than threatening—. Let’s not forget, also, that Trump has pointed out Biden is sold to China.
Today, one of the most powerful and efficient places of discussion, communication and thinking before the hegemony of Social Media —basically Twitter and Facebook—, is GETTR, whose launching represents a great step forward for the right wing in its entirety and its capacity to organize itself and fight socialism and progressivism in every aspect. No one will be canceled in there for disagreeing, for their different opinions.
Trump kept his word, and in view of the unacceptable cancelation of his and many other conservatives’ accounts within social media, he has provided us with a bunker which allows us to scape the monopoly and influence of Big Tech’s mafia and its collusion with its progressive “religion”.
It will be the beginning of Twitter and Facebook’s fall, since their absurd “community norms” won’t have to be accepted anymore because of the lack of alternative meeting spaces.
The brilliant Jason Miller, assessor who happens to be close to Trump, launched GETTR to the public, officially, on July 4th, patriotic anniversary of the USA’s independence. Soon enough he found some problems. It was hacked and many popular usernames were modified, but only momentarily. GETTR’s security has been supervised and it’s in charge of white hats experts.
It’s also common that us, the ones who have a verified Twitter account and wish to use the same username on GETTR, to facilitate being found, noted that someone had already registered with our name. This is not something causal: it looks like a very well planned strategy to frustrate the massive departure of Twitter’s users, the migration of the right wing to GETTR.
GETTR is born rebellious, full of vitality, and fills up a huge space, internationally, because the right wing didn’t have a place to come together, to agree, to display their ideas, to share them, without being censored, without watching their accounts get canceled.
The Big Tech took the part of a digital dictatorship a while ago. Silicon Valley’s oligarchy, the pretty kids acting from their Californian golden dream, because they were successful in business, now they think they’re capable of crushing everyone who doesn’t share their beliefs, and their pride will lead them to ruin, sooner or later.
Today GETTR is born, but other free social networks shall be created as well, until the woke monopoly is dissolved completely. That is the way it went a few years ago with the decay of mainstream media, when purposeful media and critics such as Newsmax, The Epoch Times, Breitbart News, La Gaceta de la Iberosfera, and this own publishing house, Panam Post, joined the scene.
Don’t underestimate the influence GETTR will win within the US’ politics, specially the effect it’ll generate in favor of the right wing for the next elections in 2022. We can predict, from this very moment, that the GOP will take back spaces in the Senate and in the House of Representatives.
As we have written before, next year, according to the tendency of history, only 40% of the electorate will vote. But we have to doubt of this fact because, for example, only 55 % voted in Mexico’s elections this past June 6th. The drop of the pandemic is a cry that invites us to participate in politics.
What’s at stake in the US? The 435 seats in the House of Representatives, but only a third part (33-34) of the 100 spaces in the Senate. Barack Obama, so admired by people attached to the woke culture, supposedly unknowing he’s the king of deportations, sent back many more migrants to their countries than Trump, and during the mid-term elections of 2010 took away 63 seats from the Democratic Party, —going from 256 to 193—, besides from losing 6 seats in the Senate.
The influence of globalist Social Media in the North American electorate has been strong. However, with the launching of GETTR, millions of Twitter and Facebook’s users will gradually abandon these platforms and there will be no censorship that silences the conservative leaders of opinion. Soon GETTR will position itself as the most used form of expression by the right wing —and many more— globally, not only in the US.
It’s interesting how Social Media is now divided according to its political approach. There will be more right-wing networks and some more progressive or socialist. This isn’t positive for citizens or freedom, because it means the end of the monopoly which reigned under the orders of Silicon Valley.
But it is also encouraging since it starts a war, a strong competition between companies, and the winner will be the one who offers a better service. We will have to see the measures adopted by Twitter and Facebook to try not to lose millions of followers within the next weeks, which seems inevitable. Many of us were tired of the progressive globalism of the Social Media.
A substancial difference is that the business model of GETTR isn’t based on collecting personal information to later traffic with it. It won’t sell personal data as other social networks do indiscriminately and allowing brands to own the users as lab rats, degrading their human dignity by only caring about the economic benefits they can get from them.
In Latin America, the launching of GETTR will help the right wing own a channel of expression with an internal organization it didn’t have before. GETTR will generate a cohesion between conservatives on a continental level, and will play as inspiration for similar new projects.
Every candidate who defends life and human rights, religious liberty, will definitely use GETTR to communicate with their audience, instead of wasting their money on feeding the kids of the globalist digital dictatorship.
To become a user of GETTR means a way of serving in favor of western values, the legacy of the Founding Fathers of the USA, conservatism, human rights, liberties. The torch and the color red have a lot of background, a lot of meaning.
For many, to have a GETTR account is a privilege: a way of activism, which today, when the putrefaction of the progressive and socialist ideology is hegemonic, represents an urgency to transcend in time: the cultural resistance, the defense of universal values.
Translation: Areli Tortolero