Tensions rise in Venezuela.
In Caracas, the opposition marches Wednesday towards the government building housing the office of the Ombudsman in the city center–an area known as the “bastion of Chavismo.” The rest of the country joins the protest to continue demanding an end to the dictatorship.
The government also issued a call to its “revolutionary” supporters to march to to the presidential palace of Miraflores. Government calls to action have previously resulted in armed chavista paramilitary groups attacking opposition protesters, a clash that has left 26 dead over the past few weeks.
As the country takes to the streets on Wednesday, the Organization of American States (OAS) will convene a meeting of foreign ministers to discuss the crisis. The meeting comes after 14 member states called on President Nicolas Maduro to restore the country’s democracy.
Live updates
7:02pm: Reports of strong repression in the city of Valencia.
via @CarlosFriasVzla Tanquetas lanzan bombas lacrimógenas en el trigal adentro de los edificios. #26abr #valencia https://t.co/HFUgtIwlMD
— Carabobo Vial (@CaraboboVial) April 26, 2017
6:57: The National Press Workers Union confirm that reporters were also wounded by tear gas bombs.
#URGENTE Reporteros de @la_patilla, Eduardo Ríos y Régulo Gómez tienen lesiones en su pie y pierna por impactos de lacrimógenas. #26Abril
— SNTP (@sntpvenezuela) April 26, 2017
6:55pm: In one week, two young men have been fatally wounded by tear gas bombs.
#26Abril En una semana dos jóvenes han muerto como consecuencia Bombas lacrimógenas: Alber Rodríguez (Asfixia) juan Pernalete (impacto)
— Marino Alvarado B (@marinoalvarado) April 26, 2017
6:38pm: As Venezuelan citizens suffer from repression on the streets, Venezuelan minister Delcy Rodriguez announces the country will begin the process to leave the Organization of American States (OAS.)
#Ahora Habla @DrodriguezVen Venezuela inicia el proceso de separarse de la OEA
— Efecto Cocuyo (@EfectoCocuyo) April 26, 2017
6:27pm: Opposition announces protest for 1st of May, Worker’s Day.
"El 1ero de Mayo realizaremos una manifestación para demostrar al gobierno que el pueblo seguirá luchando por el país" @JulioBorges #26Abril
— Unidad Venezuela (@unidadvenezuela) April 26, 2017
6:23pm: For this Friday, April 28th, the opposition is planning a protest for the freedom of political prisoners.
.@JulioBorges: "El día viernes realizaremos una jornada por la libertad de todos nuestros presos políticos" #26Abril pic.twitter.com/mXo5O3aG8v
— Unidad Venezuela (@unidadvenezuela) April 26, 2017
6:14pm: Opposition congressman Julio Borges during press conference: “Today has brought a with it the loss of three Venezuelan lives at the hand of the repression and violence”.
"Hoy un GNB salió a la calle supuestamente a hacer su trabajo pero lo que hizo fue asesinar a un venezolano" @JulioBorges #26Abril
— Unidad Venezuela (@unidadvenezuela) April 26, 2017
6:10pm: Opposition leaders call for more protests tomorrow, Thursday, April 27th.
@Unidadvenezuela convoca al país mañana a las calles a acompañar propuesta de la @AsambleaVE para salir de la crisis https://t.co/1HsVrTR1wG
— Julio Borges (@JulioBorges) April 26, 2017
6:09pm: Emotional testimony by paramedic who tried to help young victim Juan Pablo Pernalete Llovera
5:49pm: Tarek William Saab reitirates that he will not declare “gross misconduct” by the magistrates who have declared an auto-coup.
5)D forma gallarda respondo 1vez mas a criminales amenazas:YA CMRepublicano declaro en sesión d 6Abril IMPROCEDENTE enjuiciar a magistrados
— Tarek William Saab (@TarekWiliamSaab) April 25, 2017
5:41pm: The repression continues in Altamira, Caracas
Así toma a las 5.20pm la GNB Altamira, sin temblarles el pulso con sus lacrimógenas #26Abr https://t.co/dzvZCF60gC
— Carlos OV (@Charlesovalley) April 26, 2017
Junquito | Continúa represión policial en Altamira #26Abr https://t.co/erM1jB8CFp
— Gerardo (@JunquitoSite) April 26, 2017
5:37pm: The CICPC (Scientific Police) retrieves Juan Pablo Pernalete Llovera, young man killed in today’s protests, from the Salud Chacao health center.
Sacan el cuerpo de Juan Pablo Pernalete de Salud Chacao #26Abr pic.twitter.com/L2usQ1393y #GENOCIDAS
— VENEZOLANAZO (@Venezolanazo) April 26, 2017
5:31pm: While the streets of Caracas fill with teargas bombs and violent repression, the OAS approves the Meeting of Consultation of Foreign Ministers on Situation in Venezuela with 19 votes for and 4 absent.
#Avance | Se aprueba reunión de cancilleres de la OEA con 19 votos a favor para tratar tema #Venezuela pic.twitter.com/kneWBK7H7v
— PanAm Post Español (@PanAmPost_es) April 26, 2017
5:29pm: Strong repression in Las Mercedes, Caracas
Fuerte represión en Las Mercedes #Caracas https://t.co/2gpWMgBytr #26Abr pic.twitter.com/rrnoIWTDLF
— PanAm Post Español (@PanAmPost_es) April 26, 2017
5:14pm: Officials from the scientific police (CICPC) arrive at Salud Chacao health center, where protesters of the opposition march are being tended to.
5:10pm: Precise moment in which the National Bolivarian Guard represses the opposition protesters with teargas bombs.
Momento preciso en que GNB reprime a manifestantes con bombas lacrimógenas. Por @bsantan2 https://t.co/2gpWMgBytr #26Abr pic.twitter.com/EXLynERjH8
— PanAm Post Español (@PanAmPost_es) April 26, 2017
5:02pm: Incredible video with congressman Luis Florido on how the GNB (Bolivarian National Guard) shoots teargas bombs in vertical direction with complete disregard to its consequences.
Mostramos al mundo brutal represión de la dictadura ante un pueblo que exige elecciones y restitución del orden constitucional #26Abr pic.twitter.com/7mte6TG5pU
— Luis Florido (@LuisFlorido) April 26, 2017
4:56pm: Young man dead in Valencia after receiving rubber bullet shot.
Murió joven en Valencia por disparo de perdigones a quemarropa https://t.co/Y5V3xvPWJ1 pic.twitter.com/UoO7acDL7H
— El Nacional (@ElNacionalWeb) April 26, 2017
4:50pm: Watch how Bolivarian National Police attack opposition protester and steal his belongings.
#26Abr 4: 20 pm #PNB agrede a joven manifestante en Las Mercedes y se lleva sus pertenencias. pic.twitter.com/OcsQKAW33y
— IgenLMT @EnkiVzla 🇪🇸 🇻🇪 🇲🇽 🇬🇧 (@EnkiVzla) April 26, 2017
4:45pm: Wounded continue to arrive at Salud Chacao health center after violent repression by the Maduro regime.
#26Abr Tensión en Salud Chacao por muerte de joven | 20 años. Aún llegan personas asfixiadas 4:30PM – @Angelicalugob pic.twitter.com/K1Tgbyru8l https://t.co/YrfiPwKDNs
— Reporte Ya (@ReporteYa) April 26, 2017
4:43pm: It’s “raining” teargas bombs in Caracas
4:41pm: Shocking video of brutal repression from the Maduro regime against opposition protests.
4:20pm: Doctors attempted to resuscitate Pernalete Llovera for over forty minutes, but were unsuccessful. Opposition leaders begin to express their reactions towards the loss of another victim of the dictatorship.
Debe ser apresado el policía que disparo la bomba lacrimógena directamente contra el joven que falleció. Eso no es dispersión, es asesinato.
— Freddy Guevara (@FreddyGuevaraC) April 26, 2017
Otro venezolano asesinado por tu locura @nicolasmaduro Hasta dónde vas a llegar con tu autogolpe?Por tu ciega ambición de poder! https://t.co/LZFPN6ZMFd
— Henrique Capriles R. (@hcapriles) April 26, 2017
4:11pm: A new victim of the dictatorship. Juan Pablo Pernalete Llovera, 20 years old, has been reported to arrive with no vital signs.
Juan Pablo Pernalete Llovera, de 20 años (V25845285), el muchacho fallecido en Altamira por impacto de bomba lacrimógena #Caracas
— Darvinson Rojas Sánchez (@DarvinsonRojas) April 26, 2017
4:04pm: Henrique Capriles shows how the protests advance, in a peaceful way, before the Maduro regime would start to use violent forces against them.
4:00pm: In Las Mercedes neighborhood and in the Francisco Fajardo highway the repression is intensifying.
Un caos la autopista Francisco Fajardo #Venezuela producto de la represión desmedida de cuerpos de la GN. #26abr pic.twitter.com/biNVyzKOYt
— ProtestaCivil (@ProtestaCivil) April 26, 2017
#26Abr #TarekRespondeleAVenezuela !!BRUTAL REPRESIÓN¡¡ en las Mercedes #Caracas @VeneSysAlpha @DBonyuet @Birrilly https://t.co/xNNtg0cqql
— ProtestaCivil (@ProtestaCivil) April 26, 2017
3:53pm: Congressman Jose Brito denounces that in the Rosal neighborhood the protests are being repressed.
ÚLTIMA HORA | Diputado José Brito denuncia que disparan metras contra opositores en violenta represión en El Rosal.
— AlbertoRodNews (@AlbertoRodNews) April 26, 2017
3:40pm: In Altamira, the Bolivarian National Guard continues to repress the protesters.
MINUTO A MINUTO | Continúa represión en la zona de Altamira contra manifestantes de la oposición https://t.co/2gpWMgBytr #26Abr #BlogEnVivo pic.twitter.com/cSVgqwJ8Gf
— PanAm Post Español (@PanAmPost_es) April 26, 2017
3:33pm: Ramon Muchacho, mayor of Chacao, confirms person was admitted into health center due to blow from tear gas bomb. Additionally, he confirmed the bomb found at the Lido mall was a fragmentary grenade.
#Chacao | Alcalde @ramonmuchacho confirma el ingreso de un herido por impacto de lacrimógena a @SaludChacao #26Abril #Defensoría pic.twitter.com/4D6Y0uA0kQ
— noticias (@notasvzla1) April 26, 2017
3:28pm: Mother whose child was affected by the repression from the government confronts military.
Madre de niño afectado por represión de régimen de Maduro en zona de colegios reclama a militares https://t.co/2gpWMgBytr #26Abr #BlogEnVivo pic.twitter.com/tubRyTGTNk
— PanAm Post Español (@PanAmPost_es) April 26, 2017
3:20pm: Two cameramen and a journalist from Tachira Television were hurt while covering the protests. Simon Rodriguez, from CNN, was also hurt in the leg.
#ALERTA Dos técnicos y un camarógrafo de la Televisora del Táchira resultaron con heridas leves durante la cobertura de marcha #26Abril
— SNTP (@sntpvenezuela) April 26, 2017
#URGENTE Simón Rodríguez, camarógrafo de @CNNEE, resultó con una quemadura de 1° grado por un cohetón lanzado durante protesta #26Abril
— SNTP (@sntpvenezuela) April 26, 2017
3:16pm: Moment in which Lilian Tintori and her team, with arms held up high and peacefully. The protests start up again and are attacked by the authorities with tear gas bombs.
.@liliantintori : @TarekWiliamSaab Avalas violación de DDHH miles de venezolanos en protestas pacíficas" https://t.co/2gpWMgBytr #26Abr pic.twitter.com/DmwV478oDX
— PanAm Post Español (@PanAmPost_es) April 26, 2017
3:07pm: Students were evacuated from San Pedro school in Caracas, due to the spread of tear gas into the facilities.
En el colegio San Pedro de Caracas desalojaron a los niños afectados por las bombas lacrimógenas de la represión de la dictadura #DDHH pic.twitter.com/gBVfe1KcVA
— Lilian Tintori (@liliantintori) April 26, 2017
3:03pm: Maria Corina Machado denounces the brutal repression protesters are getting. Despite the violence thrust upon them, they maintain strong in order to topple the dictatorship.
Este joven (franela blanca) tenía una herida y cuando le dijimos que se fuera, dijo que no: Yo quiero seguir. #TarekRespondeleAVenezuela pic.twitter.com/D7Jb68DY7z
— Comando ConVzla (@ConVzlaComando) April 26, 2017
#VIDEO @MariaCorinaYa | He visto a un muchacho herido en la rodilla, cuando le pedimos que se fuera, no quiso. #TarekRespondeleAVenezuela pic.twitter.com/FCqphikkTd
— Comando ConVzla (@ConVzlaComando) April 26, 2017
2:57pm: One of our journalists informs us on developments going on in Valencia, where there are smaller crowds, but enough to maintain roads blocked.
#AHORA Así transcurre marcha en distribuidor El Trigal aunque hay dispersión se mantiene trancada la vía https://t.co/2gpWMgBytr #26Abr pic.twitter.com/bwgzsQ3fxU
— PanAm Post Español (@PanAmPost_es) April 26, 2017
2:53pm: More injured journalists. Gregory Jaimes, from Caraota Digital, was injured in the leg by a bomb.
#ALERTA @GregJaimes de @CaraotaDigital no puede afincar la pierna tras ser herido por una bomba y va rumbo a un centro médico privado #26Abr
— SNTP (@sntpvenezuela) April 26, 2017
2:49: In Chacao, the opposition protests are also being violently repressed.
#AHORA | Los manifestantes fueron emboscados con represión hacia la zona de Altamira y Chacao https://t.co/2gpWMgBytr #26Abr #BlogEnVivo pic.twitter.com/ag5HcE7Vma
— PanAm Post Español (@PanAmPost_es) April 26, 2017
2:46pm: Protests are being ambushed in different parts of Caracas, as it is exemplified by this video of an attack in the neighborhood of El Rosal.
#AHORA Emboscaron la marcha por atrás, el comienzo estaba en Rosal y a la altura del CCCT disolvieron el remanente a punta de bombas #26Abr pic.twitter.com/VmUqh5fG35
— PanAm Post Español (@PanAmPost_es) April 26, 2017
2:43pm: A grenade is found on the steps of the Centro Comercial Lido mall in Chacao, Caracas.
2:38pm: Despite being affected by the repression from the National Bolivarian Guard and National Bolivarian Police, the president of the Venezuelan National Assembly, Julio Borges, continues his march towards the Ministry of Defense.
Pte. AN @JulioBorges afectado por la represión de la GNB y PNB a la manifestación que se dirige a la Defensoría del Pueblo pic.twitter.com/atfVNvuhQt
— Asamblea Nacional (@AsambleaVE) April 26, 2017
2:35pm: After arguing with the soldier who took her phone, Maria Corina Machado was able to recover it.
EN #VIDEO Luego de recuperar su teléfono, @MariaCorinaYA : "No eres un ladrón, hijo, no eres un ladrón". https://t.co/2gpWMgBytr #26Abr pic.twitter.com/5kEbBr6uzg
— PanAm Post Español (@PanAmPost_es) April 26, 2017
2:29pm: The Bolivarian National Guard is acting violently against journalists covering the protests.
2:23pm: Maria Corina Machado’s phone stolen. Periscope streams have been blocked.
#VIDEO @MariaCorinaYa ante un guardia que le arebató su celular Tú eres un soldado, hijo, tú no eres un ladrón. https://t.co/BvqDznN1A6
— Comando ConVzla (@ConVzlaComando) April 26, 2017
2:21pm: At this moment, the protest at the Francisco Fajardo highway, where opposition leader Henrique Capriles is, is being attacked with teargas bombs.
#Ahora Manifestantes opositores corren por el gas lacrimógeno y se alejan de la autopista Fajardo. Suben hacia Chacao y Altamira #26Abr pic.twitter.com/DqOlXCiQXJ
— Efecto Cocuyo (@EfectoCocuyo) April 26, 2017
2:17pm: Ayatola Nuñez, journalist for El Nacional, received blow to the head with bomb. He has since then been transferred to a hospital.
2:14pm: Opposition leaders in danger. Venezuelan dictatorship blocked internet access in different parts of the country to avoid allowing the international community to see the repression going on during the protests.
2:10pm: Reports of military repression in several areas of protests in Caracas.
Con las manos levantadas, gente pacífica, sin armas, solo expresándose, miren lo que hacen los GNB#EleccionesNoLibertadSi #26Abr pic.twitter.com/3aE2faz4kO
— Javierhalamadrid (@Javierito321) April 26, 2017
#26abr GNB no permitio el avance de la marcha y la reprimio a la altura de los estadios de la UCV, marcha se mantiene en el lugar #360mundo pic.twitter.com/oKDqOU8TU9
— Miss Política (@arbstaking) April 26, 2017
2:06pm: Reports of Internet outages in different parts of the country with different providers. It seems to be an intentional information blackout.
2:00pm: Opposition leader Maria Corina Machado films protesters running away from tear gas, water guns and tanks coming towards them in full force on the highway.
— María Corina Machado (@MariaCorinaYA) April 26, 2017
Her phone is taken away from her as she films government vehicles coming towards protesters.
— María Corina Machado (@MariaCorinaYA) April 26, 2017
1:51pm: National Assembly members and protesters are denied access to Ombudsman and stage a sit-in.
Plantados en La Libertador con Ramos Allup. PNB nos impide el paso #26Abr pic.twitter.com/UPsbX0zozk
— Lionell Perez V (AD) (@Lionell68) April 26, 2017
1:42pm: Lilian Tintori films strong repression against protesters.
La dictadura sigue reprimiendo nuestra protesta pacífica https://t.co/Vaba7eYNUB
— Lilian Tintori (@liliantintori) April 26, 2017
1:40pm: National Guards and National Police advance towards protesters with tanks and tear gas.
#Ahora PNB y GNB avanzan con tanquetas por la autopista Francisco Fajardo. Reprimen a manifestantes #26Abr 1:40pm pic.twitter.com/qba0f9zAnM
— Efecto Cocuyo (@EfectoCocuyo) April 26, 2017
FF a la altura del rosal 1:25 pm #26Abr pic.twitter.com/dGGR5rNhAg
— AlfreNarvaez (@AlfreNarvaez) April 26, 2017
1:28pm: Students protesting on the streets of Margarita Island head towards Ombudsman’s office.
#26Abr 1:27 pm Marcha hacia la Defensoría del Pueblo #Margarita pic.twitter.com/pku3ipsfRj – @ndcLares
— Reporte Ya (@ReporteYa) April 26, 2017
1:19pm: National Assembly Speaker, Henry Ramos Allup, attempts persuade the National Police to let some assembly members into the Ombudsman’s office to submit a document with official complaints.
Dip.@hramosallup media con PNB para dirigirse una comisión de diputados opositores a entregar documento al Defensor del Pueblo 1:13pm #26Abr pic.twitter.com/UkEyyBvDBZ
— José Luis Taly (@joseluistaly) April 26, 2017
1:18pm: National Guard starts throwing tear gas bombs at protesters on the highway.
@AnonymousVene10#26abr 1:00 pm Comienza represion en al autopista a la altura del rosal pic.twitter.com/EawteRhOFr
— aixa valles (@aixavalles) April 26, 2017
1:16pm: Caracas’ main highway flooded with people marching towards Ombudsman’s office.
Distribuidor Altamira hace minutos… #26Abr pic.twitter.com/qwzAmGvqBN
— Tamara Slusnys (@tslusnys) April 26, 2017
1:05pm: Protesters stage an improvised sit-in as tear gas bombs impede their path in Los Chaguaramos, Caracas.
ATENCIÓN: Estamos en la Av Victoria en un plantón de 15 min, ya en San Pedro están reprimiendo sin sentido a cientos de caraqueños. pic.twitter.com/rZmmHwwl1H
— Stalin González (@stalin_gonzalez) April 26, 2017
12:55pm: Crowds continue to grow in the Francisco Fajardo highway in Caracas headed to Ombudsman’s office.
#26Abr 12:40pm – Nos dirigimos nuevamente desde Santa Fe hacia la defensoría del pueblo. Seguimos! #TarekRespóndeleAVenezuela pic.twitter.com/SCJSUwrvsN
— Juan Andrés Mejía (@JuanAndresMejia) April 26, 2017
12:46pm: Lilian Tintori, wife of imprisoned opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez, reports on Periscope tear gas bombs drop in an area with school kids. She asks the Ombudsman, Tarek Williams, and Nicolas Maduro: “Did you give the order to shoot at us?”
¡Alerta! La dictadura nos está reprimiendo https://t.co/KWOnTDzFXb
— Lilian Tintori (@liliantintori) April 26, 2017
12:38pm: Protesters reach El Helicoide, the headquarters of Nicolas Maduro’s political police.
#Ahora Marcha opositora proveniente de El Paraíso ya se encuentra por El Helicoide #26Abr 12:27 pm pic.twitter.com/sKcdYNWB3k
— Efecto Cocuyo (@EfectoCocuyo) April 26, 2017
12:23pm: Opposition protest moves towards the Francisco Fajardo highway in Caracas.
Manifestantes comienzan a movilizarse y bajan hacia la autopista Francisco Fajardo, Distribuidor Altamira 12:25pm #26A pic.twitter.com/UR79C306gf
— Juan Caribe (@juancaribe) April 26, 2017
12:18pm: In Tachira, the National Guard blocks protesters from reaching electoral council building.
Piquete de la Policía Nacional impide el paso a diputados y manifestantes que quieren llegar al CNE en Táchira #26Abr pic.twitter.com/gmKlVcUG2P
— ReporteroNTN24 (@ReporteroNTN24) April 26, 2017
12:09pm: Protesters starting to march from El Paraiso, in the west of Caracas, also headed to Ombudsman’s office.
12:05pm Movilización opositora. El Paraíso, Caracas. Cort. @Luisgonzalopr #26Abr pic.twitter.com/wIXAccgU37
— Enrique García (@enriqgarcia2210) April 26, 2017
12:03pm: Opposition protest from Santa Monica starts march towards Ombudsman’s office in Caracas.
#AHORA Los participantes de #StaMónica se conseguirán con los de #SanPedro para enfilar hacia Defensoría #TarekRespóndeleAVenezuela #26Abr pic.twitter.com/iVwWwLNuQb
— Unidad Venezuela (@unidadvenezuela) April 26, 2017
11:51am: The march gains momentum in the western state of Zulia.
#26Abr #Zulia 11:40 Así transcurre la marcha por Maracaibo (vía @RCTVenlinea) #TarekRespondeleAVenezuela pic.twitter.com/ZBjA5I1hdk
— Entre Focos (@EntreFocos_) April 26, 2017
11:45am: The protest in Margarita Island heads towards Ombudsman’s Office there.
#AHORA marcha de oposición en Nueva Esparta se dirige en estos momentos a la Defensoría del Pueblo #26abr pic.twitter.com/WtYdDEUHC5
— GuanábanaVen (@GuanabanaVen) April 26, 2017
11:43am: Catholic nuns call to pray for Venezuela and for humanitarian aid.
MINUTO A MINUTO | Religiosas piden orar por #Venezuela y que el régimen reciba ayuda humanitaria https://t.co/2gpWMgBytr #26Abr #BlogEnVivo pic.twitter.com/rHEOQfJRr8
— PanAm Post Español (@PanAmPost_es) April 26, 2017
11:35am: Despite earlier repression from tear gas bombs, protesters continue to gather in Santa Monica, Caracas.
#26Abr #EnVivo Luego de la represión, manifestantes volvieron a Santa Mónica – 11:33 am https://t.co/bEWqu66BER pic.twitter.com/TTZM9luaTs
— Sumarium (@sumariuminfo) April 26, 2017
11:27am: Government supporters also on the streets today but only in Caracas. They will walk to the Presidential Palace–a destination the opposition is not allowed to reach.
#Ahora Así se encuentra el ambiente en la manifestación oficialista en la pLaza Morelos frente a la Defensoría del Pueblo #26Abr 2/2 pic.twitter.com/3nMFlnwv4F
— Analítica (@Analitica) April 26, 2017
11:26am: National Guard blockade impedes protesters in Valencia from reaching Ombudsman’s office.
11:19am: In Barquisimeto, a city four hours west of Caracas, opposition protesters are gathered at Plaza de la Justicia.
11:02am: Protesters in the state of Bolivar arrive at the Ombudsman’s office.
#26Abr 10:58 am Marcha opositora llega a Defensoría donde entregarán documento #Guayana – @Jhoalys pic.twitter.com/RTo0fzCDsy
— Reporte Ya (@ReporteYa) April 26, 2017
10:52am: National Guard continues to use tear gas bombs against protesters.
A esta hora (10:30) GNB Ataca y reprime con lacrimógenas a ciudadanos agrupados en punto de Santa Mónica #26Abr pic.twitter.com/YfBZ0OXTWt
— Luis Ola (@LuisOla) April 26, 2017
10:37am: Reports of National Guards using tear gas bombs in Santa Monica, Caracas, as protesters began to gather.
Lanzan lacrimógenas en Santa Mónica #26Abr https://t.co/tHiVWf617c https://t.co/LU96yM96Wb
— El Pitazo (@ElPitazoTV) April 26, 2017
10:19am: The march begins in in Zulia towards the Ombudsman’s office in the state.
RT VPZulia: Así inicia la marcha hacia la Defensoría en Maracaibo. Los zulianos dicen #TarekRespondeleAVenezuela pic.twitter.com/WyU3fkcbWD
— Mîćhâêļ Pêŕdômô (@MichaelixEricVP) April 26, 2017
10:11am: The opposition protest begins in the city of Valencia.
Ya en Tijerazo demostrando que en Carabobo nadie se cansa hasta lograr la libertad de Venezuela #TarekRespondeleAVenezuela pic.twitter.com/zRtvpr9Vym
— Aarón Rodríguez Moro (@RodriguezAaron) April 26, 2017
9:52am: Police block the streets that lead to national council building in the western state of Tachira.
Así se encuentra CNE #Táchira ante convocatoria de marcha para este #26Abr que se dirigirá al sitio
10:00 am@ReporteYa pic.twitter.com/2X053uHPj2— Junior Chacón Tirado (@JuniorChaconT) April 26, 2017