EspañolOn Sunday, the Socialist International Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean demanded that the Venezuelan government, ruled by the United Socialist Party of Venezuela, set free “all students, political prisoners and put an end to persecution of government opponents.” The committee issued a statement following a meeting this weekend in the Dominican Republic.
The regional organization also urged Venezuelan authorities to adopt measures focused on guaranteeing safety for all Venezuelans and to allow the return of those in exile. The representatives of Latin-American social-democrat parties stressed the need to continue the dialog launched on April 10 between President Maduro and some opposition leaders.
The meeting, headed by Socialist International Secretary General Luis Ayala (Chile), and the committee chairman, Miguel Vargas Maldonado (Dominican Republic), favored the creation of a truth and reconciliation commission. Delegates also expressed support for the mutual disarmament of polarized armed groups in Venezuela, and for the transparent renovation of public offices such as the National Electoral Council, the Supreme Court, and the General Comptroller Office.
Source: El Universal.