Spanish -It has been a long night in Washington DC and the main cities of the United States. The area around the White House was in flames. On Sunday, May 31, the Department of Justice deployed members of the Federal Marshals Service and agents of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to support the National Guard agents in charge of guarding the White House.
Although a curfew has been declared in at least forty cities across the country and the National Guard has been activated in fifteen states and Washington, DC, it has not been possible to contain the anger of protesters, looters, and violent groups like Antifa, who began mobilizing after George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis on May 25 when a white police officer Floyd him by putting his knee on the neck of the African-American man for several minutes despite Floyd’s pleas that he could not breathe.
The case raises many questions: How do you know if it is racism? So far, we don’t know if the police officer has made any comments about Floyd’s skin color. This could be an abuse of authority but not racism. We cannot just say that every assault by a white man on a black man is caused by the attacker’s contempt for the race.
Blaming any crime on racism means hiding the real reasons why the events we want to avoid occur. For example, launching an anti-racism campaign in the police force will not prevent this kind of misfortune from happening if what actually happened—everything points in that direction—was a case of abuse of authority. Unfortunately, for some groups, it is profitable to capitalize on this and get activists to say that it is racism.
The media overlooks many issues like this, while extremist groups, such as Antifa, capitalize on the crime by convincing crowds that the cop in question wanted to kill Floyd because he was a Black man and that all cops act like this.
Now, a fundamental issue that very few seem to have noticed, and which clearly reflects the cancer that is the mainstream media, nothing more than a sounding board for leftist activism, is how, overnight, the coronavirus seems to have disappeared in the United States. At least, it seems that for the mainstream media, it is no longer so lethal. They went from saying that we are all going to die and that we should never go out in the streets again to encouraging protests and crowds because “racism is destroying America.
They have been blaming Trump for months for not taking quick action and not preventing contagion, months of scaring people and saying that the economy must be stopped because “life comes first,” but suddenly they have forgotten about the coronavirus and are making viewers believe that the police are racist, that the country is racist, that it is understandable that they loot stores, burn property, destroy cars, beat up shop owners who resist because of racial confrontation and structural inequalities, and all those complex terms that they like to use.
Now we don’t see the media calling attention to the danger of being in a crowd, or telling protesters that the coronavirus is lethal and is killing even young people, all that is over, now it has to be said that all Black people are rejected, all immigrants are helpless, all White people are racist, and all cops are violent.
It should be clear to us how most of the mainstream media acts. The coronavirus has disappeared from the United States overnight because it was more profitable for them to incite crowds of people to protest.