EspañolBrazilian presidential candidate Levy Fidelix, mostly known for his “bullet train” project that never came to fruition, made international news on Monday, over remarks delivered during Sunday night’s presidential debate.
The nationally televised debate included the incumbent, Dilma Rousseff (Workers’ Party), and six other candidates. Luciana Genro of the Socialism and Freedom Party questioned Fidelix (Brazilian Labor Renewal Party) on his views concerning same-sex marriage, which is legal in Brazil.
A so-called conservative, Fidelix displayed his intolerance toward fellow Brazilians’ personal choices by stating that homosexuals “need psychological care.” Apparently, homosexuals are crushing the straight majority, and he assured the public he would not “allow those who are the minority to extort the majority.”
He also found a way to mention pedophilia: “I just now heard the pope, the holy pope, purged — and I’m glad he did — a pedophile from the Vatican. That’s the right thing to do. We treat our entire lives with religiosity, so that our children can find a good family way.”
During his third response to Genro, Fidelix continued to share his views on the subject, claiming that Brazil’s population of over 200 million would wane down to 100 million if “we were to stimulate that [same-sex marriage].”
“So, people, let’s find some courage. We are the majority; let’s confront this minority; let’s confront them! Let us not be afraid to say we are the father, the mother, and the grandfather! And the most important thing: make sure that such problems are dealt with on a psychological and emotional level, but very far away from us, very, very far away, but not here!”
While Fidelix is somewhat of an unelectable politician with little to no hope of winning, the remarks have stirred the same-sex marriage debate among some of the most prominent conservative figures in Brazilian pop culture. As Fidelix finished his statements, a famous rock musician known as Lobão tweeted in support. Others applauded his “bravery.”
Fidelix rules!!
— Lobão (@lobaoeletrico) September 29, 2014
Roger Moreira, another rock musician popular among the conservative crowd, also tweeted in support of Fidelix and his “brave” comments.
Exato. Chega de concordar com tudo RT @menesescassiano: @lobaoeletrico @DaniloGentili @roxmo concordando ou não, mas que coragem do Fidelix!
— Roger Rocha Moreira (@roxmo) September 29, 2014
Yes, Fidelix and his famous followers have the right to say whatever they wish. But their critics counter that intolerance does not appear under the qualities Brazilians hope to see in a presidential candidate.
Considering the significantly positive response Fidelix managed to obtain among popular conservatives, though, one wonders what happened to the “liberal” brand of conservatism that seemed to have gained momentum in the last couple of years.