Spanish – Five percent of those infected have died from the pandemic that has paralyzed the world. The majority- over 663,000 of those infected- are suffering from mild symptoms, and over 143,000 have been cured.
While we shouldn’t underestimate the death toll of over 30,000 people so far, amid concerns about the coronavirus pandemic, it is also important to note that the numbers are proportionately encouraging.
The disease is usually fatal for elderly patients and those with pre-existing medical conditions. People with cardiac and respiratory issues, and especially, cancer patients are most likely to die due to COVID-19.
Although there are cases of healthy people and young people who have died from the virus, they are rare. There have also been older people who have survived, including those over 100 years old.
With all of the tough news coming out of Italy, I wanted to make sure you saw these stories as well! This is Italica Grondona, she's one of two Italians over 100 years old who have recovered from coronavirus.. (1/2)
— Dr. Sanjay Gupta (@drsanjaygupta) March 27, 2020
While Italy has reported more than 10,000 deaths, the highest number in the world, with more than 92,000 cases, it has also seen more than 12,000 people recover from COVID-19.
In Spain, there have been twice as many recoveries as there have been deaths. More than 73,000 have been diagnosed, 5,982 have died, and more than 12,000 have recovered.
France has also reported twice as many recoveries as deaths. In total, there are more than 37,000 diagnosed; of these, 2,314 have died, and 5,700 have recovered.
Even in Iran, the most affected Asian country after China, the number of recoveries has increased fivefold. Among the 35,408 diagnosed, 2,517 lost their lives, and 11,679 have already been discharged.
The most striking are the countries close to the origin of the pandemic (China). Taiwan, for example, reports only 283 cases, two deaths, and 30 recoveries. Macao has only 34 cases, ten recoveries, and not a single fatality.
Also, Hong Kong, with 560 diagnosed cases, has reported four deaths and 112 recoveries.
The WHO says there are now more than half a million confirmed cases of coronavirus, and over 100,000 people have recovered from the infection around the world. More updates on coronavirus here:
— Reuters (@Reuters) March 27, 2020
Asian countries have been prominent in their prevention and rigorous use of masks. In the case of Japan, what has most distinguished it from China is its transparency. With more than 126 million inhabitants, it has managed to have only 1,693 diagnoses, 52 deaths, and 404 recoveries.
The nations with the freest economies in the region have achieved remarkable results.
In South Korea, with over 9,500 cases, it reports 152 deaths and 5,0339 recoveries- more than half. It should be noted that South Korea has tested the most people in proportion to its population and has done so remotely, without filling hospitals or putting medical personnel at risk.
In Singapore, there are 802 diagnosed cases, only two deaths, and over 198 have recovered. In other words, just like the world average, the probability of recovery is around 20%.
China is under the stranglehold of the Communist Party. It has a Ministry of Propaganda in charge of disseminating information. So it is very difficult to verify the transparency of the figures provided by China, especially because the regime censored the media and even imprisoned doctors when the outbreak began.
However, if the official data are true, in China, more than 81,000 cases have been confirmed with more than 72,000 recoveries, and more than 3,200 deaths. In Hubei Province alone (of which Wuhan is the capital), where the pandemic originated, there are 60,000 reported recoveries.
Although the figures are visibly encouraging, it should be noted that the diagnosed cases are not necessarily the total cases. Both Spain and the Czech Republic have reported that China gave them faulty tests.
The lack of evidence has been instrumental in the under-diagnosis. In the case of Central America, this is clearly visible. The two most prosperous nations in the region, Costa Rica and Panama have diagnosed the most cases and show the highest fatality rate. But that doesn’t necessarily mean they have the most cases, but rather the most tested.
As of 9 pm local time there are 561 confirmed cases of coronavirus & 9 related fatalities in Central America. Panama suffered 3 more fatalities, including a 13 year-old girl.
Belize: 1
Costa Rica: 158 (2)
El Salvador: 5
Guatemala: 20 (1)
Honduras: 30
Nicaragua: 2
Panama: 345 (6)— Jeff Ernst (@jeffgernst) March 24, 2020
The same thing is happening in South America with Chile. It has 1,909 confirmed cases, six deaths, and 61 recoveries. Meanwhile, Ecuador has 1,823 diagnoses, 48 deaths, and only three recoveries.
Although there were massive “anti-system” marches in Chile in the last few months, it has demonstrated its capacity to respond to the pandemic. It is the only country in South America that shows more recoveries than deaths, both because it has the tools to test people and because it has been able to cure patients. Although Uruguay is on the right track, it has already had its first fatality and has not yet recorded any recoveries (out of 340 cases).
Bolivia, which is in total quarantine, has not yet reported any deaths or recoveries, but 81 have been diagnosed.
The global statistics are evidently positive. The more transparency there is, especially from the place of origin of the pandemic, and the more access there is to coronavirus testing, the more we will know if they are indeed so.