EspañolPeru has spoken out again against the political turmoil and economic corruption currently facing Venezuela.
“We are all aware of the information that exists and the situation that is happening in Venezuela,” Peru’s President of the Council of Ministers Fernando Zavalat said. “The position of President Kuczynski expresses the opinion of not only Peruvians but many Latin Americans.”
The conflict began after Peru withdrew its ambassador from Caracas with the reasoning that Nicolás Maduro’s administration was leading a “coup” for suspending the referendum process in Venezuela.
Maduro’s adminstration released a statement in response to the country’s position, claiming the high authorities of the Peruvian government had been compromised by the United States’ interventionist agenda.
“We reject those epithets (from the government of Venezuela),” Zavalat said. “Here there are no false judgments.”
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The Peruvian parliament said they “condemn the acts Venezuela has been carrying out to systematically prevent the realization of a recall referendum, constituting a breach of constitutional order and an unacceptable state coup.”
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Venezuela said that Peru is showing how closely it follows the script designed in Washington to justify international intervention in concert with anti-national opposition sectors, according to its statement.
Chancellor of Venezuela Delcy Rodriguez showed her dissatisfaction with the statements made by the Peruvian government, saying “We recommend that (President Kuczynski) remove his businessman suit and look more closely at the realities of the peoples of Latin America.”
Sources: El Comercio, Perú21.