EspañolColombia’s former presidential candidate Marta Lucía Ramírez has proposed the creation of a three-way roundtable between government negotiators, FARC and an opposition representative in order to create a new peace deal following the failure to ratify the original in a referendum.
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According to the opposition leader, it’s necessary that representatives of the opposition also travel to Havana, Cuba to meet with FARC and to have their ideas be considered in the discussion for an agreement between the guerilla group and the national government.
Additionally, she said dialogue with the government was on good terms and demonstrated that those who rejected the agreement and voted No in the referendum had strong reasons for doing so, and thus have suggestions for changing it.
She also said that it would have to design a mechanism for choosing which opposition representative would attend the negotiations, as the idea had not been addressed during original closed meetings.
President Juan Manuel Santos asked his negotiating team not to make changes to the deal until the opposition had been consulted.
Source: El Espectador