There is a very famous premise that has been the banner of every leftist political project whose application continues to be effective “the communists break your legs and then give you some crutches so that you have to thank them for being able to walk”. The phrase has become a cliché, but there is no better way to exemplify what certain misery dealers do in order to justify their bureaucratic existence.
The proximity of many of the big NGOs with a presence in the world and the political movements or governments of the left is something notorious, until a few days ago Amnesty International in Chile, for example, promoted in an act of political proselytism a constitutional change in that country, a flag of the extreme left in the southern nation; and on the other hand, Human Rights Watch, headed in America by the Chilean José Miguel Vivanco, published with a couple of days of separation a report in which the ex-dictator Evo Morales (who remained during 14 years in power in his country in spite of having lost a popular consultation that expressly prohibited him from extending his mandate) converted, in a victim of the interim government of Jeanine Áñez for alleged “judicial persecution,” dramatically ignoring the fact that photographs and evidence have come to light that confirm the former president’s romantic relationship with a 14-year-old girl, which constitutes a crime under Bolivian law.
These systematic actions by NGOs to legitimize progressive causes, and in turn destroy any attempt to establish social systems that exalt and promote individual freedom, have become an everyday occurrence that, nevertheless, has passed under the table for decades, in part, because of the fear of certain sectors of the bad press that could produce disagreements with the “generous” NGOs.
On 16 September this year, another unfortunate event took place, aimed at destroying human progress in order to continue giving work to these organizations. 30 European NGOs demanded that French President Emmanuel Macron “bury” the agreement between the European Union and Mercosur for good, whose sole purpose is to break down tariff barriers between the countries of the two blocs, in order to promote international trade, encourage the creation of new businesses, generate more jobs, produce more wealth, and allow citizens to stop being dependent on the governments by becoming economically independent.
“Mr. President, you must oppose and ensure that this trade agreement is rejected by the EU member states and definitively buried”, urged the NGOs in a letter transmitted today to the French president.
The NGOs asked the president to put pressure on the entire European Union to avoid free trade with the countries of South America. What is their purpose? They claim that this would generate “pressure on ecosystems, an explosion of livestock and industrial practices,” which they say is a case of “human rights violation”. Yes, they play pretty well with the language.
In addition to the aforementioned requirements, they took advantage of the occasion to ask that a “plausible alternative” be executed that “reinforces food sovereignty” together with “demanding European and international rules for the multinationals,” Having said that, the only thing they lacked was to close the communiqué by writing “Death to capitalism, long live Marx!
Among the signatory NGOs, the following stand out: CCFD-Terre Solidaire, Greenpeace, Planète Amazone, Sinapsis, France Amérique Latine, Attac France, Sherpa, ZEA, Confédération Paysane, Fondation Nicolas Hulot, but also unions and collectives like the General Confederation of Workers and the League of Human Rights.
All of them have very nice names, which speak of “social justice” and human rights, and love for the green, peace, along with a lot of goodistic and humanistic words, following very well the cultural statements of progressivism; however, behind all this “social action”, the only thing that these NGOs pursue is that poor countries continue to be poor, so that they can continue to receive private and public money to justify their existence.
Think about it, if tomorrow the commercial borders were opened, if liberal governments were established in a large part of the world, with full democracies that manage to destroy poverty, what would be the use of an NGO and what would all the people whose salaries are paid do to “act” against injustice or poverty?
It is truly aberrant that organizations that are being funded to act supposedly in the name of people’s “human rights”, and whose main requirement is not to do any kind of political activism, are constantly taking on socialist agendas and trying to perpetuate misery in nations in order to justify their existence.
What should be considered a true crime against humanity is to prevent the men and women of the world from freely trading and exercising lawful economic activities for the sustenance of their families, because they prevent millions of parents around the world from getting a job or creating their own business, because they are with a bunch of leftist activists boycotting and hindering free trade, in order to perpetuate hunger and then they can go out in a public event with ten bags of food in a neighborhood pretending to be the good guys in the movie, hypocrites!