EspañolThe Venezuela opposition has called off talks with Nicolás Maduro’s regime, saying that conditions are still not right for beginning any sort of negotiation intended to move the country out of its economic and political crisis.
During a press conference, President of the Foreign Policy Committee of the National Assembly Luis Florido said that the two sides are still in an “exploratory phase” that has not yet resulted in proper conditions for starting talks. He added that the government has not met the “conditions” for holding a dialogue.
The opposition has been hesitant about restarting talks, which are supposed to take place in the Dominican Republic, and rightly so: Maduro has a history of breaking agreements made during dialogues of this nature.
On September 18, he said he would not release political prisoners, and demanded that the opposition recognize the unconstitutional National Constituent Assembly.
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In January, the opposition claimed they would no longer participate in dialogues unless the regime complied with the agreements they made during previous dialogues. That included the liberation of political prisoners, accepting humanitarian aid and announcing an election calendar. Maduro’s refusal to comply with any of these demands caused even the Pope to walk away from dialogues.
Yet at the start of this week, Maduro confirmed that the meeting would be held on Wednesday, September 27, as if the two sides were cooperating without a problem. “The Venezuelan delegation will be there without fail,” he said, “disciplined punctual and ready to follow the conversations of both human and political interest.”
Meanwhile, Chancellor of the Dominican Republic Miguel Vargas Maldonado maintained that the two sides were still finalizing details.
While the opposition continues to evaluate how to approach formal dialogue with Maduro, his regime continues to “do what they do.” This Monday the police arbitrarily arrested the brother of the opposition candidate for Governor, Jose Manuel Olivares, without explanation or formal charges.
Desconocemos a dónde lo están trasladando. Carneiro y Maduro son responsables de lo que le ocurra a mi hermano.
— Jose Manuel Olivares (@joseolivaresm) September 25, 2017
We don’t know where they have taken him. Carneiro and Maduro are responsible for whatever happens to my brother.
Sources: El Nuevo Herald, Diario Las Américas, El Nacional