EspañolUnited States Undersecretary for Political Affairs Thomas Shannon will being taking a trip to Venezuela.
Shannon reportedly intends to open dialogue with President Nicolas Maduro’s administration.
The announcement was made by Maduro during his weekly broadcast, and advocated for stabilizing relations with the United States.
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“Very soon, Undersecretary Thomas Shannon will be in Venezuela with other members of that delegation,” Maduro said. “And I hope that very soon, John Kerry will also come to Venezuela. I said, ‘When will you come to Venezuela to visit us?’. And he said, ‘If things are progressing well, I’ll go to Venezuela’. I said, ‘You will be welcome in Venezuela, John Kerry’. And so we should all know that progress is possible.”
This is not the first time the two have met. In June, the undersecretary met with Maduro to promote bilateral relations.
Maduro announced the trip after Shannon held a meeting with Secretary Kerry Monday, September 26 in Colombia during the FARC peace agreement.
He said the meeting with Kerry was “nice, honest, respectful and diplomatic” and pledged “to build a positive agenda.”
Maduro did not give further details about his 15-minute conversation with the Secretary of State.
“I’ve wanted and I want the best relations with Barack Obama and dialogue with the current president or the president that comes next,” he added.
So far it is unknown when Shannon will make the visit.
Sources: El Nacional; Efecto Cocuyo