EspañolIn the early morning on Wednesday, 118 people were captured during a police raid in five different departments of El Salvador. Among those captured are a catholic priest, 12 policemen of the National Civil Police (PNC), two employees of the Republic Prosecutor’s Office (FGR), three employees of the judicial system, several lawyers, 12 gang leaders, experts in communications, and many gang underlings.
They face numerous charges, including aggravated homicide, conspiracy and incitement, extortion, robbery, illegal gang activities, racketeering, and bribery. In addition, 79 people, already incarcerated, will be charged alongside them.
Entre lo detenidosestán: miembros de una banda de narcotráfic.que opera en Oriente, miembros de pandillas 18 y MS13,
— PNC El Salvador (@PNCSV) July 30, 2014
The raid was executed by the PNC along with the FGR and took place in the interior of El Salvador in the departments of Morazán, San Miguel, La Libertad, La Paz, and the capital, San Salvador.
The captured priest is Antonio Rodríguez López, also know as “Padre Toño.” The Catholic representative is accused of influence peddling and of introducing illicit objects into prisons.
The priest is famous for his support for El Salvador’s “gang truce.” That is despite the fact that in March 2012 he was an initial critic of dialogue between gangs. In his local parish church, he now dedicates his energies to the rehabilitation of gang members.
PNC Deputy Director Howard Coto shared details of the raid via his Twitter account.
Nuestra amplia operación en coordinación con FGR acá en zona oriental esta siendo exitosa. Más de 100 detenidos por graves delitos. (1/3)
— Howard Augusto Cotto (@Cotto100) July 30, 2014
Hemos detenido en oriente a pandilleros, Fiscales, funcionarios judiciales, abogados, comunicadores, policías, y religiosos. (2/3)
— Howard Augusto Cotto (@Cotto100) July 30, 2014
Las detenciones aquí en oriente son por homicidios, extorsiones, agrupaciones ilícitas, robos, hurtos, cohecho y otros. (3/3)
— Howard Augusto Cotto (@Cotto100) July 30, 2014
Hasta esta hora las operaciones en Oriente del país suman 118 capturas e intimaremos en centros penales 79 más, sumando así 197 detenidos.
— Howard Augusto Cotto (@Cotto100) July 30, 2014
Sources: El Mundo, El Diario de Hoy, La Prensa Gráfica.