EspañolA 7.1 earthquake on the Richter magnitude scale shook Chiapas, Mexico at 06:24 am local time (UTC-05:00). The Earthquake Hazards Program pinpointed its epicenter at 14.800°N 92.600°W, 47.2 miles deep into the ground.
That translate to the earthquake striking just 11 miles east of Mazatán, Mexico, and 140 miles west of Guatemala City, capital Guatemala.
The earthquake was felt both in Guatemala and in El Salvador, some 250 miles away.
Fuerte sismo a esta hora en la capital. A la espera de datos oficiales. #SismoSV
— Alértux El Salvador (@alertux) July 7, 2014
dInsivumeh, registró sismo hoy, magnitud 7.0 grados Richter, epicentro a 50 Kms OSO de #SanMarcos.
— CONRED (@ConredGuatemala) July 7, 2014
There are report of damages in Guatemala and in Chiapas, Mexico. At least two people have been killed and 30 homes have been damaged.
Aldea Patzij San Rafael Piedra Cuesta San Marcos se reporta dos personas fallecidas y 30 casas dañadas
— Radio SONORA 96.9 FM (@sonora969) July 7, 2014
Daños en varias casas en Huixtla por el fuerte sismo que se registro #Chiapas
— Alerta Chiapas (@AlertaChiapas) July 7, 2014
URGENTE: 2 muertos en Guatemala tras sismo de 7,1 grados registrado hace momentos en Chiapas, México.
— Alerta News 24 (@AlertaNews24) July 7, 2014
Despite originating on Mexico’s Pacific coast, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center has not issued a tsunami alert as a result of the seismic event.
Sources: Google Public Alerts, Earthquake Hazards Program.