EspañolOn Wednesday, the central government of Honduras announced that it is setting up shelters to receive hundreds of young children that have entered the United States illegally. Right now, many of these children are living in temporary US detention centers while they wait to be deported to Honduras.
US authorities have detected a dramatic increase in the illegal entrance of children traveling alone, many of them younger than 12 years old, seeking to reunite with relatives or fleeing the violence that plagues Honduras. They estimate that by the end of 2014 there will be a record of more than 60,000 illegal-immigrant minors, especially coming from Central America. This year alone some 13,000 Honduran minors have already emigrated to the United States.
The head of Honduras Child, Adolescence, and Family Services, Lolis Salas, explained that the government would also provide food, medicine, and clothing to the children when they return to Honduras, one of the poorest countries in the continent with one of the world’s highest rates of gang-related homicides and narcotics trafficking.
Source: Reuters.