SpanishThe Health Minister of El Salvador, Violeta Menjivar, declared a national state of emergency on Sunday due to the outbreak of the chikungunya virus, which has infected 1,119 people in the country so far.
Together with spokesmen from the Pan-American Health Organization, the minister urged Salvadorians to take the necessary measures to prevent the illness. The first documented cases of the chikungunya virus arose at the end of May.
“More than just alerting the population, what we want to do is make a call for action so that all of us take charge in the destruction of all of the virus breeding grounds and transmitters of this illness and yellow fever, which are the Aedes aegypti and the Aedes albopictus mosquitoes,” said the minister.
Chikungunya, which means “to writhe” in the kimakonde language, appeared for the first time in 1952 in Tanzania, and since then has migrated to the rest of Africa, Asia, and has recently appeared in the Caribbean, according to the World Health Organization.
Source: Infobae.