Guatemalan politician Manuel Baldizón released his new book Breaking Paradigms yesterday, but many have attacked its authorship.
Baldizón, who is secretary general of the Renewed Democratic Liberty Party (LIDER) in Guatemala, has received numerous accusations of plagiarism, after passages from his book surfaced as identical to pages found on The book also includes statements from authors Fernando Savater and Eduardo Punset with no citations.
Baldizón’s public relations office quickly responded to the accusations. The office said that, in the book’s introduction, the author “clearly establishes that the book not only contains the author’s own ideas, but those of many people, including academics and authors.” They also encouraged readers to take the book as “a fusion of ideas,” and offered apologies to anyone who took offense.
Baldizón’s office also stressed the book’s ample bibliography. However, ContraPoder identified at least seven pages of the book that used material from other authors without citation.
Source: ContraPoder.