EspañolVenezuela’s Foreign Minister Delcy Rodríguez responded to suggestions made by Peru President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, who had recently suggested methods of mediation for solving the crisis in Venezuela.
PPK, as he is commonly referred to, said he wants a collection of world leaders like Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to help mediate the issue so as to avoid a “bloodbath” and mass migration. But the high-standing official, who seems to often do the talking for President Nicolás Maduro’s administration, told PPK to keep his “deadly hands off” of her country.
“Venezuela repudiates and protests the infamous statements by Peruvian President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, which promote intervention on Venezuela from around the world,” the country’s foreign minister said on Twitter.
Venezuela repudia y protesta infames declaraciones del Presidente de Perú @ppkamigo que promueve la intervención de Venezuela por el mundo
— Delcy Rodríguez (@delcyrodriguezv) June 13, 2017
She also tweeted that it was embarrassing for a Latin American leader to go to his “colonial masters” and ask them to intervene on Venezuela, which she said she considers a sovereign state.
PPK originally made his comments in a forum called “Peru of the Future” that was taking place in Madrid, Spain.
“If nothing is done,” warned PPK at the event, “we will end up with a bloodbath, we will have a (migratory) invasion in Cúcuta on the border with Colombia, we will have people arriving in Curacao in boats.”
The comments were during a discussion about the Organization of American States, which PPK claimed should not be the only solution officials rely on to solve Venezuela’s crisis. Instead, he had proposed creating a “contact group” made up of several countries.