During a press conference, Venezuelan opposition leader and Miranda state governor Henrique Capriles Radonski acknowledged that the dialogue between the Democratic Unity Board (MUD) and the dictatorship of Nicolás Maduro was a trick and that the opposition was unable to appropriately defend the recall referendum.
“We did not do a good job. When they stole the referendum from us, we did not defend it as we should have. We ended up falling into the trap, even though we acted in good faith,” Capriles said during the speech called #AskCapriles.
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VIDEO Capriles reconoce que no defendieron el RR por, de buena fe, caer en la trampa del diálogo. pic.twitter.com/TJ9mMQWRyR
— Gabriel Bastidas (@Gbastidas) December 21, 2016
Also, the governor directed criticisms towards the MUD coalition of opposition parties and argued that a change in strategy is needed.
#EnVIVO El gobernador @hcapriles pide relanzamiento de la Unidad, conéctate por: https://t.co/iqxLhnX9AO pic.twitter.com/EAHeRG9k40
— VIVOplay (@vivoplaynet) December 21, 2016
“As of January 1 we must consider a fresh start, discard what is unnecessary. We must learn to listen (…) We must be guided by a new path. In order for the MUD to be relaunched, we must engage in self-criticism,” the political leader emphasized.
Capriles also suggested, again, that within the opposition there are parties and politicians who collaborate with the regime of Nicholas Maduro.
“Yes, there are people here who have an open line of communication with the government and have agreements with them. There are good people and bad people in all parties, including mine,” said the governor, who then considered the need to “review which parties should be part of the MUD.”
He also stated that “we aren’t going to complain” when there is evidence that there are people inside the MUD working with the dictatorship.
It should be remembered that a few weeks ago Capriles assured that he had in his possession a list of opposition “leaders” who had allegedly been bought off by Nicolas Maduro.
The dialogue sponsored by the Vatican between Nicolás Maduro and the MUD has been the subject of fierce criticism. The main opposition parties that participated, included Acción Democrática, Un Nuevo Tiempo and Primero Justicia (of which Capriles is the leader).
The governor’s words prompted sharp reactions among Venezuelans, many of whom had suggested that the dialogue had always been a trap set by Nicolas Maduro.
Ellos eran los únicos que no sabían que el fulano "diálogo" era una trampa -.-
— Gabriel Bastidas (@Gbastidas) December 21, 2016
Continuación debería ser: "Y como principal responsable,asumo la culpa y presento mi renuncia irrevocable a la conducción política" https://t.co/3fYN2WrNNb
— Daniel Lara Farías (@DLaraF) December 21, 2016