Spanish – Spain has the second-highest number of reported cases of coronavirus in the world. Instead of prioritizing local supply, the socialist government has chosen to supply materials to its ideological allies. It sent Cuba Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) that is no longer available in Madrid pharmacies.
In theory, Cuba is a medical powerhouse. In reality, however, the country has shortages of even basic hygiene supplies and is dependent on international aid, which in turn, debunks the myth of the blockade.
Since the establishment of the communist revolution, Cuba has been faithful to its ideology. It does not produce wealth but redistributes it. First, through mass expropriation; then, through the gifts of its allies. In its early years, it was maintained by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. With the fall of the Iron Curtain, the Sao Paulo Forum reorganized the regional left, and both Brazil (through international loans and works with Odebrecht) and Venezuela supplied resources to the island. With Bolsonaro in power, and Venezuela bankrupt, Cuba is looking for a new supporter: Spain has taken the baton.
Pedro Sánchez’s support for Havana’s communist tyranny is such that he was the first president of Spain to set foot on Cuban soil since the fall of the Berlin Wall, and he did so to guarantee the flow of euros to the island through the cancellation of a 300 million euro debt.
Now, despite the health emergency in Spain, the socialist coalition government admits that it has exported PPE kits to Cuba to protect its allies during the pandemic.
"Sánchez exportaba el material sanitario a Cuba que aquí les negaba a nuestros sanitarios" – Periodista Digital
— Víctor González (@vicpiedra) May 11, 2020
Vox Members of Parliament questioned the government’s shipment
The deputies of Vox, Alberto Asarta, Emilio Jesús del Valle, Carlos Hugo Roca, Antonio Salvá, and Víctor González, who is also the vice-president of the party, asked the government about the export of material for protection against the coronavirus.
The Government replied in writing: “As the competent authority under Article 4 of the royal decree 463/2020 of March 14, which declares the state of alert for the management of the health crisis caused by COVID-19, a total of 41,738 units of non-specific use other products have been authorized for export to Cuba. Of the total units authorized for Cuba, more than 80% are gloves.”
According to OKDiario, the socialist government not only sends its allies products that Madrid has been lacking for months but also controls their access to and from the country. “We have not had gloves for a long time, almost since the beginning of the quarantine, and there is no provision for that. They have just called us to cancel an order because they have been held back. They have confiscated them. We only have scrubbing gloves,” said employees of a pharmacy in Madrid’s Chamberí district.
Las farmacias de Madrid sin guantes de nitrilo mientras Sánchez los envía a Cuba:
— Víctor González (@vicpiedra) May 11, 2020
Cuba loses Venezuelan oil money, finds a new benefactor in Spain
The constant gifts to Cuba persist. The Trump administration has sanctioned Cuba because it supported the tyrant Nicolás Maduro, and the island is in a state of an acute crisis.
The Spanish monarchs, guided by the agenda of the PSOE and Unidas Podemos, signed the Country Association Framework, a cooperation agreement between Spain and Cuba, to implement projects costing 57 million euros in different areas until 2022. The monarchs were not allowed to meet members of the Cuban opposition when they visited the island.
#España y #Cuba 🇪🇸🇨🇺 firman un nuevo Marco de Asociación País (MAP) en La Habana. Este acuerdo actualiza la estrategia de la @CooperacionESP en Cuba 2019-2022. Se enmarca en la agenda internacional de #desarrollo, de la que ambos países formamos parte🔎
— AECID (@AECID_es) November 12, 2019
Vox condemns Sánchez for misusing the monarchs
In response, the Vox party, which is now Spain’s third-largest political force, has accused Pedro Sánchez of capitalizing on the monarchs. Subsequently, Vox leaders have tried to have the trip to Cuba legally suspended to prevent the monarchs from being complicit in the socialist agenda.
VOX solicita a la Diputación Permanente la suspensión del viaje de los Reyes de España a Cuba el 11 de noviembre.
Exigimos al Gobierno en funciones de Pedro Sánchez que no instrumentalice a la Corona en favor de sus políticas oscuras y partidistas.
— VOX 🇪🇸 (@vox_es) November 4, 2019
How can Cuba be a medical powerhouse if there is no soap and water?
The truth is that the actions of the PSOE-Podemos coalition government have made two things clear: this government prioritizes spending millions on its allies in times of scarcity; and, the Cuban communist regime is incapable of providing for itself.
Cubans do not have the basic soap and water or crucial protection against the coronavirus. About 21.3% of Havana does not have continuous access to water, 468,721 people out of a total of 2.2 million inhabitants. 469,000 in all of western Cuba are without water. Figures from the National Institute of Hydraulic Resources (INRH) state that another 23,000 people in the central zone of the country do not have this vital liquid, nor do 21,000 in the east, making a total of 513,000 in the country.
During times of limited resources, Spain is fighting a pandemic while its taxes finance a liberticidal regime. What Cuba is experiencing today is not an isolated case, but the direct consequence of socialism at the helm. This has only just begun in the Spanish homeland. Spanish citizens must stop it while they can.
At the end of the day, it is financed by your taxes.