EspañolThe number of diplomats who have been affected by alleged “sonic attacks” in Cuba continues to grow. According to CNN, 10 Americans and five Canadians have suffered “physical symptoms” during their stay in Cuba.
The attacks have lasted for months, two US government sources told CNN, having begun in mid-November 2016 and stopped in the spring.
Officials quoted by the network, who asked to remain anonymous “because of the sensitive nature of the attacks and the ongoing investigation,” reported that five Canadians, who were also diplomats or relatives of diplomats, also experienced similar symptoms.
- Read More: Canadian Diplomat Joins US Officials in Denouncing “Sonic Device” Attack in Cuba
- Read More: FBI to Investigate “Third Country” in Sonic Attack Against US Diplomats in Cuba
The alleged “attacks” were reportedly carried out “with an unknown weapon … in the dead of night while diplomats slept, causing them immediate dizziness, headaches and hearing loss.”
According to the Cuban regime, the United States reported what happened last February and since then a “thorough, high-priority and urgent investigation” has been set into motion, as well as reinforced efforts to improve security measures for US personnel.
However, CNN reported that five Canadians effected by the attacks reported their symptoms last June, which “would mean there have been more attacks at the same time that Cuban officials were investigating the incidents.”
For now, US and Canadian authorities are investigating what happened in Cuban territory with authorization from the local government. The Cuban government has been clear in its disapproval of the sonic attacks, claiming it has no knowledge of their origin. However, officials there have a history of aggression against US officials.
Sources: Sputnik; CNN; 14 y Medio.