EspañolChile President Michelle Bachelet has lost significant popularity following the wildfires that ravaged the country the last two months.
Bachelet’s approval rating fell four points in February, according to the survey Adimark, meaning only 23 percent approve of her job in office.
According to the study center, negative ratings of Bachelet’s job in office could be due to the forest fires that affected the central and southern areas of the country over that time.
Adimark also attributed the declining ratings to the controversial appointment of former Minister Javiera Blanco to the State Defense Council.
Foreign Relations continues to receive the highest approval, with 57 percent. Energy and Education each have a 34 and 31percent approval rating.
The areas with the worst ratings were Transantiago, Santiago’s transportation system, at 16 percent and delinquency at 11 percent as well as corruption in state agencies which received eight percent.
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Regarding the upcoming presidential elections, Sebastián Piñera and Alejandro Guillier remain ahead of other contenders, according to the study.
Piñera holds first place with 29 percent followed by Guillier with 25 percent. All other pre-candidates remain unchanged, with former president Ricardo Lagos in third place with four percent.
Sources: Emol; BiobioChile; Capital; El Mostrador.