According to the Corruption Perceptions Index prepared by the NGO Transparency International, in Latin America, Uruguay is the least corrupt country and Venezuela the most corrupt. For its part, Colombia in the measurement that shows the least corrupt to the most corrupt, took the 90th place among 176 countries that were evaluated.
The list of countries shows that New Zealand and Denmark are the least corrupt, while Somalia occupies the last position. Among the Latin American countries only 2 received a “passing grade”…obtaining 50 out of 100 points, while 11 fell in the rankings when compared with last year; among them Colombia.
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Uruguay was the country with the best rating in Latin America, with 71 points and ranked 21st overall. Other countries that performed well in the ranking were Chile, which ranked 24th with 66 points, Costa Rica, which ranked 41st with 58 points, Cuba in 60th place with 47 points, Brazil in 79th place with 40 points and Panama in 87th with 38 points.
According to Alejandro Salas, director of Transparency International for the Americas, in statements made to the EFE news agency, and reported by the newspaper El Espectador, that he regrets the results for the region, and expressed disappointment that countries like Mexico and Chile have fallen, while highlighting the rise of Argentina and Brazil in the rankings.
Colombia’s performance is a reflection of the numerous corruption scandals that have occurred in the country, and bears resemblance to that of Mexico, where the government and justice department are severely limited in their ability to punish corruption scandals. As for Chile, Salas says that although it has been an exemplary country, its reduction in this year’s rankings is due to corruption scandals related to the family of President Michelle Bachelet.
Source: El Espectador