Spanish – World domination is the reason for the existence of all empires. From the Persian and the Roman to the Spanish and the British. They all have the same purpose: global hegemony. However, they also have a common destiny: all empires fall. The international system that the United States has led since the Cold War seems to be fulfilling its cycle. China knows this and lurks even closer in its northern neighbor, Canada.
The Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) warned that the Chinese regime routinely uses undercover state security officials and “trusted agents” or proxies to target members of the Chinese community in that country in an effort to silence critics of President Xi Jinping, including threats of reprisals against their relatives in China, according to The Globe and Mail.
The federal intelligence agency added that these illegal activities in Canada are part of a global campaign of intimidation, which constitutes a threat to the sovereignty of this country and the security of Canadians. On Friday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said that China has “intensified” this practice in recent years, which he called “unacceptable” in a democratic society.
“For a number of years, we have observed foreign actors wield influence on members of their diaspora in Canada. Unfortunately, recently this has intensified,” Trudeau responded at a press conference when asked about the warning issued this week by the Canadian spy agency, according to National Newswatch.
Operation Fox Hunt
Canada has historically been a country of immigrants. According to figures from the United Nations (UN), of the 37 million inhabitants that the second-largest country in the world has, 7.9 million are immigrants, representing just over 21% of the total population. The Chinese represent 8.6% of the immigrants in Canada, surpassed only slightly by the population from India, with 8.9%.
In its efforts to achieve world domination, China has set out to silence its huge diaspora. Because of its proximity to the enemy to be defeated, Canada has become the target. The Globe and Mail indicate that according to information offered by the federal intelligence agency, one of the most outstanding efforts of Beijing in this matter is carried out through Operation Fox Hunt.
Official information asserts that the Official reports suggest that in 2014, the Ministry of Public Security of Beijing launched an anti-corruption campaign that -following the orders of Xi Jinping- was aimed at pursuing abroad rich citizens and corrupt members of the Chinese Communist Party who fled the country with large fortunes. As in every communist regime, the real objectives were different.
In July, FBI Director Christopher Wray said the main objective of Operation Fox Hunt today is to suppress dissent in the Chinese diaspora. On October 28, the FBI accused eight people, including three Chinese citizens, of conspiring to act as “illegal agents of the People’s Republic of China” as part of Operation Fox Hunt.
The charges, in this case, stemmed from a thwarted plot that began in 2016, the purpose of which was to force an American resident and Chinese citizen labeled John Doe to return to China with his family, threatening his wife and daughter in the United States and other relatives still in China, the U.S. government warned.
Chinese bullying: A common practice
The Canadian intelligence service is now raising the same issue but on a larger scale. Allegations reported by The Globe and Mail indicate that China is using threats and intimidation against members of the Chinese community in Canada, similar to the tactics used by Operation Fox Hunt.
Later, former CSIS director Richard Fadden, who also served as national security advisor to Prime Ministers Stephen Harper and Justin Trudeau, said that “The Chinese authorities are very active. They are very sophisticated. They have almost unlimited resources, and in particular, the Chinese diaspora in Canada is quite large.”
The Canadian newspaper also includes a statement by Vancouver-based immigration lawyer Richard Kurland, who warns that intimidation by China on Canadian soil has become a “standard operating procedure.” He explains that in British Columbia, Canada’s western-most province, they use siblings to intimidate on behalf of the Beijing government.
Little China
An article published in Canada’s Hispanic newspaper, La Portada, refers to British Columbia as “Little China.” The article titled: Asians, a community that is “taking over” Canada, begins with the anecdotal fact that Vancouver is now known as “Hongcouver.” This, because it is considered the city where more Asians live outside their countries.
In particular, the article states that in the city of Richmond, British Columbia, 50% of its residents are Chinese. Moreover, 12,400 Chinese people enter Vancouver every year, and one out of every five citizens of this city speaks Mandarin or Cantonese.
“Brainwashing” Canadians
On Tuesday, the Toronto Sun newspaper published an article about a request to the federal government to pass legislation to stop the flow of propaganda from the Chinese Communist Party in Canada. Victor Ho, the former editor of Sing Tao Daily, Canada’s largest Chinese language newspaper, warned parliamentarians that foreigners are in the country using “identity politics” to “brainwash” Canadians.
“Our government should investigate how foreign agents or diplomats are carrying out such interference,” Ho told the Lower House Special Committee on Canada- China relations.
Indeed, Richard Fadden, the former director of Canadian intelligence, quoted by The Globe and Mail, adds in his statement that Chinese agents of Operation Fox Hunt arrive in Canada as diplomats or posing as tourists, entrepreneurs, or students.
Silencing criticism about Hong Kong
In its eagerness to impose its unique vision on the world, as it does at home, the Chinese regime has shown particular concern for hiding the truth about repression and violations of human rights and freedom of expression in Hong Kong.
Violating the principle of “one country, two systems,” Beijing has implemented the controversial National Security Act, which, according to the opposition, threatens the partial independence enjoyed by the former British colony.
Neutralizing Canadian activists who are demonstrating in defense of freedoms in Hong Kong seems to be one of the main objectives of the agents of Operation Fox Hunt, said Victor Victor Ho to the parliamentarians, according to the Toronto Sun.
China wants to dominate the world
China’s presence in Latin America has also strengthened significantly over the last decade. Multi-million dollar investments in the region confirm this. However, Beijing’s intentions go beyond trade relations, and Latin America is not its priority.
What does China really want? China wants to dominate the world, so says the American historian Hal Brands in an article published on May 20 in Bloomberg. He adds that to achieve this, China needs the fall of the American empire.
With Joe Biden or Donald Trump, China is getting closer to its goal. However, the Republican’s ironclad position is already well known. That of the Democrat remains unknown, and his son Hunter Biden’s compromising relations with Chinese businessmen linked to the Communist Party could accelerate the fall.