Spanish – We have been living in deceit for the last century. We have been led to believe that humanity has been split into a struggle between the left and the right when the truth is that except the United States, the world has been dominated almost entirely by the international left and its meta-narratives.
Socialism has won and continues to win in different places because its discourse has permeated deeply, and socialists have managed to manipulate the world narrative with their role as victims in a heroic struggle against “malevolent capitalism.” None of this has been by happenstance. Schools of thought, the media, universities, celebrities, intrusion into all the cultural arenas of life, and many interest groups are responsible for this.
The left of today is far from that left that opposed the extreme monarchical powers of late 18th century France. In fact, if I had been born at that time, I would have been of the left because that left was the one that opposed the absolutism of monarchs and aristocracies, the tyrannies, and the conditions of no social leverage that were dominated by what was then called the conservative right.
Today, the roles have been completely reversed. The left wants to dominate each and every aspect of individual life. Its collectivism and absolute domination of all the means of production is not at all different from the monarchies of centuries ago when all power was in the hands of a small group of aristocrats, and all other human beings had to kneel before them without the possibility of progress. Today, the liberal right is proposing that the state’s role should be limited and its powers restricted; the means of production should be democratized through the advancement of private enterprise and the possibilities of development and progress for all individuals. However, the socialist doctrine has persistently imposed itself, and as we have warned, nothing has been by happenstance.
Throughout history, these thought laboratories have even managed to distort collectivist totalitarianism to the right of the ideological equation, further encouraging their discourse as victims. Thus, they turned Hitler’s National Socialism and Mussolini’s fascism into “right-wing” movements when in reality, both were extreme socialists. Hitler, in his book Mein Kampf, established that his movement was aimed at capturing the youth of the extreme left. In fact, according to Hitler, he was the true socialist, and Marx was no more than an instrument of international Jewish capitalism. And Mussolini was a member of the Italian Socialist Party for 15 years before being expelled for calling for participation in the war, which was when he formed the Fascist militias with which he would later confront his former party colleagues.
However, today, the world sees Hitler and Mussolini as the most faithful representatives of the “right.” In fact, socialists of the world label anyone who supports free markets and the democratization of capital as fascists and Nazis, and this is precisely the greatest meta-narrative victory of the international left.
Struggles between different lefts have prevailed in the world in the last century. They are not ideological enemies; they are dogs fighting for the same piece of meat. It happened in the struggle between the Nazis and German Social Democrats, between the Italian Fascists and Socialists, between Stalinists and Trotskyists, and without going very far, it happens today, with Chavismo and the Venezuelan Socialist opposition, formed by a group of four “Social Democrats and Social Christians” parties.
Across the world, socialism has adopted different masks and facets to continue atoning for its sins and ruling as it pleases, which is why so many parties and definitions of “socialism” have emerged, but they all have the same end: to monopolize the means of production, to take over nations, and to turn human beings into a collective that works for the state bureaucrats. And socialism has not only brought people to their knees and crushed them wherever it has been implemented, but it has also been the producer of the greatest global misfortunes of the last century: the famine that killed 40 million Chinese, the Holodomor that killed ten million Ukrainians and Russians, the Second World War caused by the pact between the Nazis and the Bolsheviks to divide Europe, the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, and today, the coronavirus exported from China that is damaging health, peace, and the world economy.
Unfortunately, Latin America is not exempt from this ideological cancer. In fact, it is one of the most extreme carriers of this dangerous disease that has destroyed countries that became infinitely prosperous, such as Venezuela and Argentina, and has plunged an island that was once the most developed in the Caribbean, namely Cuba, into the worst catastrophes.
It so happens that, although socialism was born in Europe, it arrived a little later in Latin America. In this region with high rates of poverty and poor education, it has been easy to implement the collectivist social system through populist discourse for electoral blackmail, thus perpetuating a system of getting votes where the voter is bought with state handouts while continuing to become poorer and needing the state more and more. Consequently, socialist parties dominate the region with their different masks and degrees of extremism. The result in the continent is the multiplication of poverty, underdevelopment, the proliferation of injustices, inferiority complexes, and totalitarianism.
Few dare to acknowledge the reality that the world has been dominated over the last century by different shades of the left. And to move forward, we must recognize that we have been defeated. It is time to rethink the world and Latin America, and that is what this book is about: rethinking the continent and the world.
The softcover version of the book can be purchased on Amazon, and the ebook is available by clicking here.