EspañolThe crisis in Venezuela has aroused the interest of world leaders and concerned citizens around the world. But Mexico has conducted a survey to see just how high that interest is, and whether they think Mexico should do anything about it.
According to a survey conducted by Parametría, 52 percent of Mexicans do not want President Enrique Peña Nieto to speak out against the crisis in Venezuela, while 37 percent think that he should and eight percent did not know. Another two percent preferred not to comment.
Venezuela has protested against Nicolás Maduro’s regime for more than 100 consecutive days. On Sunday, the ruling party officially created a National Constituent Assembly that has been condemned by many countries in Latin America, including Mexico.
The survey was conducted between July 24 and 30, just days before the Constituent Assembly elections on Sunday, July 31.
The secretariat of Foreign Relations, led by Luis Videgaray, has issued various statements condemning the actions of Venezuela’s dictatorial regime. Mexico said it does not recognize the results of the election of the members of the Constituent Assembly, and it criticized “the level of intolerance that prevails throughout the country.”
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According to the study, six out of 10 Mexicans said that they are aware of the situation in Venezuela, which the survey considers to be a “considerable percentage” as it is an international issue.
On the other hand, nine out of 10 respondents, or 96 percent, said that the economic, political and social situation in Venezuela is “bad.”
Source: Animal Político