EspañolMexican officials are denying allegations made by the The New York Times that the federal government has carried out espionage against human rights activists, journalists and attorneys involved in the Ayotzinapa case, in which 42 students inexplicably disappeared.
Daniel Millán Valencia, Director General of International Media for President Enrique Peña Nieto’s administration, denied that there is any evidence of any Mexican agency spying as the article suggests.
“For the government of the Republic, respect for privacy and the protection of personal data of all individuals are values inherent to our freedom, democracy and the rule of law,” a letter written by spokesman Eduardo Sánchez said. “We therefore condemn any attempt to violate anyone’s right to privacy.”
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Aquí la postura del @gobmx respecto de la nota del New York Times.
— Eduardo Sánchez H. (@ESanchezHdz) June 19, 2017
Tweet: This is the Mexican Government’s stance on The New York Times’ article.
“We call upon those who may have been victims of the actions described in the article to submit their complaint to the Attorney General’s Office, so that pertinent investigations can be carried out,” a letter sent to the editor of the newspaper said.
Source: López Dóriga Digital