EspañolUS presidential candidate and Libertarian Gary Johnson wants to abolish income tax in the United Sates.
In an interview with Fortune, the former Governor of New Mexico explained he would like to “eliminate income tax and end the IRS (Internal Revenue Service), as a way to reduce the level of government.”
“Of course I would love to be elected President of the United States, so you can count on me to sign for tax reductions, to make it easier, and to put an end to bureaucracy,” he said.
“I plan to replace all the impediments with only one federal tax collection. If we are able to eliminate income tax, we will be able to create millions of new jobs,” he continued.
The Libertarian Party candidate is gaining more and more coverage in the American media so that now it has become common to see Gary Johnson interviewed on television as an alternative to the Republican and Democratic parties.
In a Fox News poll taken in May, Johnson only received 10 percent support. This month, he has gained two full points.
It is clear that the increase in support for Johnson has directly affected that of Republican candidate Donald Trump, who was in the lead with 42 percent in May, but who now has 36-percent support in the most recent poll. Hilary Clinton, on the other hand, remained at 39 percent.
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Johnson has insisted that participation in the presidential debates would be the key to his success in the presidential election. In order for the former governor to be able to participate in the debates, he would need to obtain at least a 15-percent approval ratings in five of the most important polls in the United States. He’s inching toward that all the time.
Johnson, who was the Libertarian party candidate for the 2012 elections and obtained more than a million votes (making him the most voted-for Libertarian candidate, with 1 percent of the popular vote), could break with the traditional bipartisanship that for decades has defined the United States.